We spent last week in NYC at the Hashtag Sports Conference!
The conference took place at The Times Square Center and at the Microsoft Technology Center. We heard from a variety of speakers who held sessions on content creation, fan engagement, new technologies and platforms, and everything else in the world of sports!
We heard from people like, Hope Solo, who spoke about change in the sports world and how females deserve to be treated as equals, a panel of members from ESPN, including Katie Nolan, they talked about social platforms and fan engagement, and what's new in the social and technological world. We also heard from House of Highlights creator, Omar Raja, and the bleacher report. They talked about tips and tricks for online and social marketing and why they have become so popular. (Pictures of their seminars below).
Richard Irving also joined us and talked about the dynamic pairing of sports and Hulu.
These are just a few among the many seminars that we attend over a three-day span. We ended the trip not only having gained knowledge about the current state of sports and sports marketing, but we also heard from experts who predicted the future of sports and where it will take us. With so many new additions to the sporting world from legalized sports betting, social media changes, and even the rise of esports, it's clear there is a lot about to happen in this industry.
One of my favorite quotes from this conference was from Steve Stoute, who stated, "We are living in a world that will never be as slow as it is right now. It will only keep advancing, as should we."
Though most of our time in the Big Apple was spent at the conference, we did explore in our free time. We attended the Broadway play, Frozen, and did some sightseeing. We visited The Public Library, Times Square, and the New York Times. We even ate at the famous Carlos Bakery. (Which in our opinion had the best cannolis in the city!)
Overall, the trip was a success and we can’t wait to bring all that we learned back to Knox Sports! Be on the lookout for some fun new additions and segments to our social channels!