Determining which marketing methods your business should be investing in can be a tough call. You may find yourself asking “How do I know this is the right choice and will yield the engagement we are looking for?” Or perhaps something else along the lines of “is this method in-line with my brand and my overall goals?”
On average, a company will allocate 9-12% of their annual budget to marketing. As you and I know, the term “marketing” is very broad and too often focuses on quantity, not quality. 9-12% of your overall budget is a very large percentage to be funding something that may or may not even be working for your brand.
It. Needs. To. Stop.
We need to re-evaluate.
One marketing method that has been proven time and time again to be highly effective is sports marketing. This is why such widely known brands like Anheuser-Busch, Coca-Cola Co., Nike, and MillerCoors LLC have been investing in sports for years. If you or your company has been considering investing in sports, here are some helpful tips to further understand its benefits:
1.) Why Sports Marketing?
Sports sponsorship possesses a power that is capable of driving aggressive growth in brand awareness and affinity. Sponsorships can provide an opportunity for your brand to align itself with a school or team that has a loyal fan base and strong community support. With the wide variety of sponsorship opportunities, you can choose a sponsorship that fits seamlessly into your marketing strategy and puts your name in front of your targeted customer in a highly engaging way.
2.) Will it help me engage with my target audience?
For consumers to connect with your brand, seeing and hearing about your products just isn’t enough. It’s vital that they experience your brand on an emotional level and even more important they share this experience with friends. Sports sponsorships offer platforms to engage directly with your target audience whether it’s creating a memory, generating a response, instilling loyalty or driving traffic or sales. Creatively engaging with your target audience can raise awareness of your brand, create customer loyalty, and significantly grow your business.
3.) Will it help my company reach our goals or objectives?
Your sports sponsorship program should be one aspect of a broader strategic marketing plan that takes into consideration both the short and long-term goals of your brand and the company as a whole. Once you have determined your goals and objectives, a sports partnership will help accomplish them in a monumental way. Contrary to belief, sports marketing is just as measurable as any other form of marketing as long as your company has a clear guideline of these goals. These results will propel your brand, as they do not only yield quantitative results but also quality.
4.) Can I Afford It?
Sponsorships, especially sports sponsorships, are often seen as an unaffordable option. While it can be a costly choice, this doesn’t have to be the case. Depending on your goals and target audience, there is a myriad of opportunities in sports. You do not have to be investing millions to see the rewards and benefits of sport sponsorships.
To learn more about sports sponsorships and to see if your business is a good fit, please contact us today. We would be more than happy to discuss your current sports sponsorship deals and see if it is living up to your expectations.