Tag: social media
Every once in a while, we decide to write something about what's going on in the world of sports marketing.

Instagram Takes Likes on Posts Away
Posted on November 21, 2019
First it was removing the follow tab, now Instagram is taking away the likes on photos. We are used to seeing Instagram algorithm changes, but why this big change? It’s a bold move for a platform that revolves around people sharing their day-to-day activities and accumulating likes. What does this new change mean and how…
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Our Favorite Promotions Celebrating The Return Of Football!
Posted on September 23, 2019
Fans are cheering. Faces are glued to TV screens every Sunday. Tailgates are in full swing. Stands are packed. Football is back and we are celebrating by sharing some of our favorite football promotions! Teams have been in preparation. Training days, workouts, and practice games all led up to the kick-off of football season. But…
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The Hashtag Sports Conference: Year Two
Posted on July 8, 2019
This past week our social media manager, Morgan, went to the Hashtag Sports Conference in New York City. After attending the conference for the second year, she wanted to share some tips and tricks that she took from the conference: Social timing is almost bigger than researching what will perform well. Although scary, being timely…
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What Are Targeted Ads?
Posted on June 21, 2019
Online marketing is huge nowadays. People have access to online shopping, stores, services, and ads from their phones and laptops. It’s easily accessible, reliable, and literally at your fingertips. But how do the ads that interest you manage to find their way into your feed? Orwellian as it may seem, the answer is simple: targeted…
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A Summer in Sports Marketing
Posted on August 1, 2018
In the midst of this past spring semester at the University of South Florida, I began looking for a summer internship. The quest to find the perfect internship isn’t always easy, and as somebody who wants to work specifically in the sports industry, it became a little bit more complicated. Last summer, I was an…
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The Decline of Print and Radio
Posted on June 22, 2018
It’s no secret that print media and radio ads are slowly dying. In today’s day and age, all forms of marketing are turning to online platforms. With people listening to streaming services and turning to social platforms such as Twitter and Facebook to keep up with news, people seem to be turning away from print…
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