Our Clients Rely on Our Company for Several Reasons

Contract negotiation is the main reason why a company will bring us on board. Sports is all we do and what we love, and this passion for sports translates to excellence in sponsorship negotiation.

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We know the value of package items within sponsorships. Our experience and creativity in negotiating literally hundreds of contracts just like yours make us uniquely qualified to get your company a better deal than you or a traditional agency could ever hope to achieve.

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We do all of the time-intensive legwork involved in the negotiation process. Our client is still the ultimate decision maker and will continue to reap all the personal perks and rewards of being the main contact, but the pain of the process is taken away.

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Results & Measurement

We will help our clients develop a methodology for tracking sponsorship results. It is imperative that we find a mutual way to measure how this sponsorship is working to achieve our preset goals.

Want to learn more?

Let the team at Knox Sports negotiate the best value for your sponsorship contracts.

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